IPOB AS A REGISTERED COMPANY(with reference to Russell Bluejack) A glaring ignorance of half educated Facebook intellectual:-By Aiden Dillion

It is now confirmed beyond every conceivable doubt that education in Nigeria is responsible for inflicting crippling ignorance on poor masses which perversely is the direct opposite of what should obtain. I feel sorry for these poorly educated, money hungry, keyboard intellectuals that think they are smart by using what limited understanding of English language they possess to deceive the damned and ignorant.

Imagine a country where a Fulani man is the education minister, what possible academic experience do you think their citizens like these intellectual  morons will encounter? An online professor that doesn't know the full meaning of limited liability or why a concern like IPOB was registered in the first place but is busy propagating a regurgitated hogwash by people expelled from IPOB for criminal behaviour, insubordination and treachery is nothing but a half-educated dimwit.

Their mind is so retarded as a result of chronic and spiritual poverty to the point that to them, any registered entity must be a profit oriented enterprise. Don't blame these misguided Facebook 'intellectuals', blame their poverty stricken upbringing and Fulani influence on the Zoo educational system.

Amnesty International, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace etc are all registered as limited liability entities. Limited liability doesn't mean limited company within the context of profit and loss. As long as your organisation transact their business with money, it must be registered. This is how things work in civilised places like the United Kingdom where IPOB is registered. The same way IPOB is registered in the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Italy etc. As long an organisation receives and spends public  money, it must be registered or else those that run it will go to jail for fraud or tax evasion. This is simple common sense that any genuine intellectual ought to know. There are registered companies limited by guarantee but these poorly educated keyboard pontificating morons weren't taught that in the village schools they attended in the Zoo.

Even the world famous British charity Oxfam is registered with the UK Companies House. IPOB's registration with UK Companies House means that IPOB is an independent entity that can sue and be sued in a court of law. A copy of IPOB certificate of incorporation is before Justice Binta Nyako's court, that is why she declared IPOB not to be an illegal organisation. That my people is the meaning of limited liability company, Ltd. IPOB is independent of any single individual and has to account to the British and German authorities how much money is raised and how IPOB spends it's money.

These petty money hungry scavengers behind their keyboards are not intelligent enough because if they were, they would have known that IPOB is registered in nearly 88 countries of the the world not just UK. Why they picked on the UK registration I will never know.

When I was 6 years old my older niece Da Adanma I call her, now resident in the US, spent her time teaching me proverbs in the evenings. At that tender age I learnt a lot from her, but one of the proverbs she taught me that kept exercising my mind for decades was, "half education is dangerous". I never knew the full meaning of this until I became a university undergraduate.

One day,  we traveled to Enugu for a party as undergraduates did in our days. The following morning I got up to watch the news on the telly. I overheard one politician in the UK accuse Margaret Thatcher the Iron Lady prime minister of Britain of "knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing". That was during the height of the debate on privatization of water board and other publicly owned utilities in England & Wales. That struck me as odd because unless you are blessed with much deeper intellect, you cannot begin to fathom or grasp the full impact of those words.

I traveled back to Nsukka the next day and engaged my friends in a fierce debate over the meaning of  "knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing". It was during the exchanges that ensued that it dawned on me that this  political put-down by Neil Kinnock the then Labour leader of opposition on Margaret Thatcher was exactly what my dear niece taught me in Aba, Nwafo Street to be precise, all those glorious  years back.

The proverb half education is dangerous is like somebody knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing. It takes a shallow mind to rush to evaluate an item by its price but a deep thinker will always have consideration for the overall value first. Nobody will give a piece of diamond to a mad person because the value will be lost on him or her. These half-baked Facebook intellectuals are half educated because although they can write beautiful grammar, they lack true intellectual depth and substance.

If you seriously interrogate the central plank of their argument you will find them weak, empty and devoid of any substance. Although they went to school to acquire reading and writing skills, they lack the requisite intellectual depth and knowledge that should naturally accompany it. That is why they define limited liability company within the narrow context of profit and loss, not knowing that limited liability is about designation of  an entity as a stand alone legal body.

Their education is half-baked not well done.  Instead of asking their teacher what limited liability company truly encompass, they limited their reasoning to profit and loss alone. Ogbonye onu ntu, sorry!


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